Is It Down Right Now?

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Quickly verify if a website is Up or Down with our free tool, your go-to solution for verifying the current status of any website. Enter the URL and get instant status updates, ensuring you stay informed of any disruptions.


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How Do We Check Website Status?

DNS Lookup

We first attempt to resolve the domain name to an IP address using DNS (Domain Name System). If this lookup fails, it indicates a DNS issue, and we mark the site as down.

TCP Connection

Next, we try to establish a TCP connection to the resolved IP address on the standard web port (usually 80 for HTTP or 443 for HTTPS). If we can't establish a connection, it means the server is unavailable or blocking connections, and we mark the site as down.

HTTP Request

If the TCP connection is successful, we send an HTTP request (usually a HEAD or GET request for the site's root URL). We analyze the HTTP response code to determine the site's status:

  • 200 OK: The site is successfully serving content, so we mark it as up.
  • 300-499 Redirection/Client Error: These indicate issues on the client side, so we still consider the site as up but note the error.
  • 500-599 Server Error: These indicate problems on the server side, so we mark the site as down or having issues.

Maintenance Mode Detection

Some websites intentionally return specific HTTP status codes or display customized messages/pages when they are under planned maintenance. Our system attempts to identify these maintenance mode indicators and appropriately mark the site as under maintenance rather than completely down.

Who We Are?

We are a team of developers focused on creating reliable and easy-to-use website monitoring tools. Our goal is to give you real-time insights into your website’s performance so you can stay informed and proactive. With our tools, you can easily monitor your site’s status and quickly address any issues, ensuring your online presence remains strong and uninterrupted. Join us in maintaining a seamless digital experience for your audience.